The Mysterious Case of the Crossover Food
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The Mysterious Case of the Crossover Food
Need to up your protein intake but don't know where to start looking for options that are both healthy and affordable?
Can't You Use Dried Beans Instead
Dried beans, sometimes called legumes or pulses, are a fantastic food choice for a number of reasons, including their high protein content, low fat content, abundant vitamin and mineral content, and high levels of soluble and insoluble fiber.
If you ask any vegetarian, "I eat a lot of beans," is what you'll hear as an answer to the question of where they obtain their protein.
My non-vegetarian parents were concerned that I wouldn't get enough protein if I made the decision to become a vegetarian when I was very young. My parents started serving beans and lentils to our children after reading numerous books and speaking with our pediatrician about vegetarian child rearing. In addition to my height increase, I am also the tallest female member of my family, standing at a towering 5 feet, 5 inches. You know, my ancestors certainly didn't produce any supermodels.
Nutritional Value: Protein, Fiber, Vitamins, and Minerals
I'm sorry, but we have to get back to the beans. Beans are a fantastic low-fat protein option. About the same as a 3-ounce (audio cassette-sized) piece of poultry, fish, or beef, only one cup of beans has 16 grams.
In the same way that vegetables do, they include fiber, vitamins, and minerals because they are plants. These items, known as "crossover foods" by nutritionists, can serve as either a protein source or a vegetable addition to a meal. Explore the foods of many cultures throughout the world. Beans are a staple in the diets of many different civilizations, and they are prepared in a wide variety of ways. What a multipurpose dish!
Beans also stand out because of the fiber they contain. The insoluble fiber in beans helps slow digestion. Huh? Just what does this entail, anyway?
What I called "roughage" growing up is the scientific term for insoluble fiber. that substance that helps your food digest more quickly and easily. Recent years have seen a surge in interest in insoluble fiber as studies have found a correlation between a high-fiber diet and a reduced risk of numerous forms of cancer.
During digestion, soluble fiber swells into a "gooey" mass that inhibits the absorption of sugars and helps the body metabolize fats and cholesterol. Beans are a staple food of the American Diabetic Association.
Antioxidants, folic acid, vitamin B-6, and magnesium can all be found in abundance in beans. Both folic acid and vitamin B-6 are renowned for their ability to reduce homocysteine levels in the blood.
Increased homocysteine levels in the blood are linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral vascular disease. Elevated homocysteine levels are found in 20–40% of heart disease patients.
What, then, is the food's drawback, if any? Flatulence if you're not used to a high-fiber diet You should ease into eating foods high in fiber by eating smaller portions for a few days. Then it's unlikely that you'll feel uneasy for long.
Cooking Instructions
Canned beans are a suitable substitute for dried ones because they provide equivalent amounts of nutrients. The salt and preservatives used in canning should be rinsed off before consuming the beans.
The packaging instructions for cooking dried beans are what I follow when I want to avoid processed meals. Beans are not hard to prepare, but they do take some time. Except for lentils, most beans need to be soaked in water for at least 12 hours before they can be cooked. Then, you may slow cook them or simmer them on the stovetop until they're tender. In general, the larger the bean, the longer it takes to cook. Remember to change the water you cook the beans in after soaking them. It's a flatulence-buster, that's for sure!
After being cooked, beans can be frozen and utilized later in a variety of dishes. Where I come from, red bean ice cream is a staple. Delicious!
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